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Touch A Life

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Lizy Yulibeth Hernandez Bustillo

Age: 20 (10/28/2005)
Gender: Female
Country: Honduras

Needs a sponsor


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About Us

Jon Nelms, Founder/Chairman
Jon Nelms, Founder/Chairman

Hello and thank you for visiting our website.

Touch a Life is a ministry division of the Final Frontiers Foundation. Since 1986 Final Frontiers has led the way in the support of national preachers who are starting new churches in areas that are primarily closed to foreign missionaries. Believing that they can more effectively reach their own people for Christ, we began to support them in doing so for around $1 a day (go to for more information). These men have now started more than 24,000 new churches that upon conception, average about 30 new converts each.

The more we helped these preachers, the more we saw their ministries expand to other formats. The most needed and common was that of taking care of orphaned and abandoned children. One of these men from the Ivory Coast in Africa recently wrote to us … “my wife and I cannot have children so we have taken in eight orphans from the street to raise them as our own”. This alone is astounding but if you knew his situation you would really marvel, for this man and his wife are so poor that they normally eat only one meal a day. How selfless, to share what little they have with others who have even less! And that is our desire as a ministry, to visibly demonstrate Christ’s love by offering supervised care and relief to children who live in such desperate need.

If you share their burden for hopeless children and want to help us reach them, then we invite you to learn all about us and select a child whose life you can touch and make a difference.

Yours for souls,
Jon Nelms

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© 1986 - 2023 TAL Children's Rescue Centers, Inc.