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Monica Mariela Guzman Salgado

Age: 17 (11/16/2007)
Gender: Female
Country: Honduras

Needs a sponsor


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Vinay Kumar

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Needs a sponsor

Country: India
City: Hubli
Location in city: Solomon Bijja
Age: 17 (8/26/2007)
Gender: Male
Status: Destitute
Support Application (22KB)

Vijay's family is very poor. Her father works far away in an electric shop and does not come home very often. Her mother sells candy in a shop and Vijay stays with his mom all day because he is still so young. His mother earns less than a dollar a day so she does housekeeping for other families to have money to feed the children One day she was able to hear the Gospel and accepted Christ. Since then she has been a faithful church member and raises her family to serve Jesus.

They live in a small house that is ten feet by eight feet. They have no running water or sewage. When the rains come their house floods and the roof leaks.

Though he is young, he wants to follow Christ and attends the Bethel Baptist Church. He is in good health and enjoys life as he knows it. With sponsorship he will be able to attend school next year and have a better life. She has no toys to play with now but dreams of having a toy airplane someday.

If you would like to sponsor this child for $35.00 a month then you can by two ways:
Send in Sponsorship Form

If you would like to sponsor this child for $35.00 a month by sending in a sponsorship form then follow these instructions.
  • Click here to download the sponsorship form for this child.

  • Print out the form and fill out the information.

  • Send the completed form to:
    Touch A Life
    1200 Peachtree St.
    Louisville, GA. 30434, USA
If you have any queries about sponsoring a child please send an email to:

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