Franklin is the middle child of three in his family. His mother is a housewife and his father is a farmer who makes about $18 US a week. Though most of the children have no toys, Franklin likes the colors of red and white. He gets to run and play in the dirt streets with the other children.
Bartolo is a two hour walk down the mountain to the store on the bottom . They carry the food home on the backs of mules. The villagers are very poor. The boy’s family lives in a 1 room adobe house with a tin roof. They have no electricity or toilet inside or out. But, there is running water. Franklin sleeps with his brothers in a bed made of a wood frame and rope, with no straw mat mattress. They don’t even a table or chair. Franklin has one t shirt and pair of pants and two pairs of shoes.
Breakfast is usually coffee and there is no lunch. Supper is usually a corn tortilla and a few beans. Sponsored children eat their daily meal while sitting on the steps of their church. Unsponsored children hope for a few leftovers. Franklin loves his church and pastor and said his favorite Bible verse is Luke 19:10. Please sponsor this dear boy and help him to be able to eat and get some schooling.